Saturday, October 18, 2008

Indian Cliffs 10/18/08

I blew off bow hunting because the forecast looked sooo good. I got there a little late and expected to see gliders everywhere but there was only one PG in the air a couple hundred over. A quick call up top to SkyQueen told me why, it was a little strong and crossed so everyone was setting up and watching the conditions. After hightailing it up top and setting up quickly I watched a couple gliders launch and hit the wall out front, the conditions were still strong and after running off in the shadow you would hit the up draft and shoot skyward. I finally stepped up and watched everyone slowly sink to ridge level as I got there so I waited till it picked up again and they were going back up then could not get the glider to feel level for launch so I stepped out of the slot and let Don? go and was heartened by a nice launch.

When I finally did launch it was no problem and the ridge was working and I got up quickly but soon there was a lull and everyone was down on the ridge and scratching but it was short lived and soon we were back over launch by a few hundred and got to spread out and work the hill. The air had some texture to it and you had to hang on tight at times but as you got higher it smoothed out a lot and was not too bad.

The hawks were out in profusion and it was fun flying with them and watching their antics. At one point I looked down and one was inverted about 30 feet below me and looking up at me I thought at first it was an owl, white with brown spots, but then it flipped back over and I realized it was a red tail. I was following another and it would tuck its wings and become football shaped, plummet 30-40 feet then open its wings and soar back up to the level it had started. I thought it was diving at prey but as we flew down the ridge it kept doing it over and over again and I realized it was just plain having fun.

The Cliffs were working well and they remain one of the most postcard perfect places to fly. The colors were exceptional, HG, PG and sailplanes all flying together and the river below make for a great place to fly. The only problem was I forgot my camera and did not get any pictures for the postcard.

Flights: 1

Airtime: 3:04

Fun Factor: 7-8