The forecast did not look great but it looked ridge soarable and people were posting that they were headed that way so I piled my stuff in the truck and hit the road about 10am. I was surprised that no one was up and soaring the ridge when I broke over the hill from Mitchelsville but even more surprised after meeting Moritz at the gate that there was no one up top. We walked up to launch and other than an occasional W cross it was blowing straight in at 10 - 12 MPH, nice. We quickly rigged and Bob Grant, Jeff, Matt and Dave Stookey rolled in. Moritz was off first and quickly gained a few hundred over, Bob and Jeff were next and I ran off next. Ridge lift to 5-600 over and thermals made it a little textured but still comfortable. It ramped up to the high teens as Dave got off and we all got as much air as we wanted. The lift got strong at cloudbase and I had to run out from under a cloud once but mostly it was quite pleasant. I got down to a couple hundred over and was watching some OD moving towards us so when I found another thermal I cranked it and banked it and drifted with it till I was over the LZ on top and burned altitude to a no stepper at the back of the field.
Karl, Katrin, Doug, Marlin and Freddie showed up from Harris and rigged and were all sharing the ridge with Matt in what looked like sweet air as I left for home. All flew with no sledders.
1hr 5min
2000' over
fun factor 7