Sunday, December 30, 2012
Ski pulk test
As part of ski patrol I have to take a class called Mountain Travel and Rescue, it covers basic winter camping, survival, building emergency shelters and first aid in the back country. As the final for the class we have a two day camp out in mid February. To get the gear needed for winter camping it is easier to pull it in on a sled versus carrying up to 100# on your back. There are two crossed fiberglass poles attached to a waist belt or pack frame ,as I did, to pull it and to keep it from hitting you from behind as you as you go down hill. I pulled Eammon around the yard with it over Christmas but had yet to ski with it so I threw some tools in a pack and went out back to pull in a tree stand in need of repair. It worked sweet, way easier than carrying the stuff back through a few feet of snow. Pictures are of the pulk and two of the view out my back door looking west towards Lima, the next three are looking east back up the hill towards the house.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The ski season has begun
It is not often that the nordic ski season starts before the alpine season but with the warm start to the winter Bristol Mountain had not opened when the natural snow awarded us with ski able conditions at Harriet Hollister State Park. I made arrangements to meet with Ron and headed up the hill after getting a report from a fellow patroler Deb that the conditions were reasonable and the trails had been groomed. The conditions were indeed good and I chatted with Deb who was just pulling out then did a quick lap while waiting for Ron. The timing was good and I met up with Ron just as I was almost back to the parking lot. We skied till dusk and left with smiles and a couple of sore muscles, when will I ever learn to go easy on the first day out. I returned today to stretch some tight muscles and work off Christmas dinner.
Monday, November 26, 2012
The wonders of nature
As I was stalking through the woods while deer hunting I came across this wild grape vine growing on a scrub apple tree. The host tree has been dwarfed by the the vine with the circumference of the vine easily 4-6" bigger than the apple tree supporting it. It looked like an anaconda snaking its way up the tree. Pretty cool what nature can do. I would like to try to find it again with a better camera because the phone cam just doesn't do it justice.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Indian summer and a November canoe sail
Sunday, October 21, 2012
There she blows!!!
To windy to hang glide? Then pursue other wind related sports.
Today the wind was blowing hard with gusts to 36 mph at Canandaigua, I met Ron at CMac parking and we tore it up while I racked up seven plus miles and a max speed of 21 mph. At 4 pm it started dropping off so we headed to Kershaw park to test my new sailing canoe. Well not exactly new, almost entirely made of scrounged and reused materials. The Wenona canoe I have had for close to 30 years, the sail was sewn from an old hang glider sail, the mast is an old leading edge from a HG, the yard and boom are temporary flag poles for a grand opening that never got used and were going to scrap. The only new parts are the pulleys, ropes, cleats and other assorted hardware.
The test was a success, it worked quite well and other than my lack of sailing skills resulting in me running over a couple RC sailboats it all went well. Ron tried it first as the wind was a little brisk for me to try when we first got there and then I took over when the wind dropped off. Ron set up his boat and we sailed till sunset. Here are a few pics of the maiden voyage. Oh yeah and no RC sailboats were injured in the test!!
Today the wind was blowing hard with gusts to 36 mph at Canandaigua, I met Ron at CMac parking and we tore it up while I racked up seven plus miles and a max speed of 21 mph. At 4 pm it started dropping off so we headed to Kershaw park to test my new sailing canoe. Well not exactly new, almost entirely made of scrounged and reused materials. The Wenona canoe I have had for close to 30 years, the sail was sewn from an old hang glider sail, the mast is an old leading edge from a HG, the yard and boom are temporary flag poles for a grand opening that never got used and were going to scrap. The only new parts are the pulleys, ropes, cleats and other assorted hardware.
The test was a success, it worked quite well and other than my lack of sailing skills resulting in me running over a couple RC sailboats it all went well. Ron tried it first as the wind was a little brisk for me to try when we first got there and then I took over when the wind dropped off. Ron set up his boat and we sailed till sunset. Here are a few pics of the maiden voyage. Oh yeah and no RC sailboats were injured in the test!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Another great day at Southwick
The forecast called for 15-21knots out of the west for Sunday, there was a chance of showers and t-storms but not enough to worry about. It turned out to be almost as good as predicted with a stiff west wind and threats of rain but nothing where we were. There were 2 kite buggies, myself and Bobalooie, Ron with his land sailor and 4 kite boarders all tearing it up in the awesome conditions. Here is a link to a video on youtube from Sunday.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Kiting Southwick State Park
The wind was up and predicted to be W so I felt the need to take the kites and the buggy and head for the beach. It was a little more south crossed than predicted but still doable. you could cruise N but had to work hard to make and progress south. Bob was there already laying down tracks and we were soon joined by a couple kite boarders and later by two more that were up on North pond. As the wind tapered off the kite boarders had to quit but everyone got to try the buggy using Bob M's 5m NPW9. Great amount of fun was had by all.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sailing Hemlock Lake
Ron has been working on a sailing canoe for a couple years and finally got to the point where it was ready enough for the maiden voyage. He was reluctant at first because of a long week at work but after a little convincing he decided to go. I was safety kayak in case of mishaps but as it turned out I was unneeded. It was real light when we arrived and the boat functioned flawlessly. It was a good confidence booster for Ron in his design and the boats capability. He tacked back and forth across the lake and after a couple hours let me take it for a cruise. Right after I got in the wind picked up and I was soon dragging Ron around in the kayak. We switched boat and spent the rest of the evening cruising the lake dragging me around in the kayak. Great fun, I have to build me one of those now!!!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Flying with the Gooney Bird
The C-47, designated W7, was a paratrooper transport during D day. It has been completely restored and is in great flying condition. With two 1000 hp engines it has some power and makes some cool noise as it taxis by and accelerates down the runway. What a thrill to be flying around such historic aircraft.
The first 4 pictures are of the Gooney Bird taxiing and taking off while we were setting up. The next is of Matt just after he touched down to a premo landing and the last is of Mark coming in to land with the Remax balloon landing behind him.
There were a few of us out, Linda, Bill V., Joe, Alex, Matt and myself. Linda caught the only thermal on a day that was predicted to be awesome. Everyone else sledded in the to smooth air mass that surrounded the field. Alex did great on his Mark IV and Matt flew his Sport 2 for the first time and did great. I had a butter smooth tow and a nice long sled ride down to a no step landing.
Flights: 1
Airtime: 23 min
Max altitude: 4100'
Fun factor: 9
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Geneseo Airport has turned out to be a great place to fly. Although the conditions did not turn out to be soarable, Todd had the flight of the day at 39 minutes, there were lots of hang glider pilots out and a couple of other forms of aviation late in the evening. The first picture is of Mark getting ready to tow with the Remax balloon behind him, the last is of Marlin launching moments later and the second pic is of the balloon launching, Katrin landing(look closely at the sun) and a high end RC plane taxiing in after a flight.
I got one tow to 3000' and found nothing to keep me up.
flights: 1
airtime: 17min
fun factor: 9
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
With a sky like that what are they waiting for?
We have been towing at the Dansville airport while other activities keep us out of Geneseo. Sunday was a good day with intro and training flights early, soaring flights mid day and then scooter towing, more intro and training tandems when conditions wound down.
For a warm up I took Todd's U2 for a test flight to determine if it had a problem. It towed just fine and I dropped off tow at 500' then had to find sink and force it down to give it back to Todd so he could fly. I waited for a sail plane to launch then dove it in to a premo no step landing. On my second flight Mark dropped me in a nice thermal and I took it to cloud base and the cool air of 5300' ASL, with a great view of the sail planes and other hang gliders towing up I boated around then came in for a second no step landing.
The picture is of everyone sitting around talking about flying but no one wanting to be the first one to try after watching Bob and Ron sink out, Moritz finally went and then I went up again and when we stuck everyone piled off.
Flights: 2
Airtime: 1:02
Max Alt 4773 AGL
Fun Factor: 8
For a warm up I took Todd's U2 for a test flight to determine if it had a problem. It towed just fine and I dropped off tow at 500' then had to find sink and force it down to give it back to Todd so he could fly. I waited for a sail plane to launch then dove it in to a premo no step landing. On my second flight Mark dropped me in a nice thermal and I took it to cloud base and the cool air of 5300' ASL, with a great view of the sail planes and other hang gliders towing up I boated around then came in for a second no step landing.
The picture is of everyone sitting around talking about flying but no one wanting to be the first one to try after watching Bob and Ron sink out, Moritz finally went and then I went up again and when we stuck everyone piled off.
Flights: 2
Airtime: 1:02
Max Alt 4773 AGL
Fun Factor: 8
Monday, June 11, 2012
Trike flying at Long Acres
We went out to Long Acres farm in Macedon to set up the clubs trike and give out new trike pilot, Mark a work out. Ron, Linda and myself started rigging our gliders and as I was setting up I noticed a crack in one of my tip wands. It it a flexible fiberglass rod that forms the curved tip on the glider and if it broke while flying it may not make the glider fall out of the sky, it would still really suck. So although I have an extra one it was at home so I was done for the day. I worked as ground crew and got Linda and Ron in the air and then convinced Mark he should take me for a ride and I got a quick trike lesson. Here are a few pics I snapped while up and cruising around at 1500'.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Paddling Hemlock Lake
First trip of the year, Mandi borrowed Cody's kayak and we headed out. The lake water is high and cool and it was a good respite to the heat. We were discussing ways to bring Alyss along next time. Pulling her along in a inner tube is leading the options for now. Here is a short video clip.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Make hay when the sun shines
Or make tracks when the snow falls!! A return to winter brought a few inches of wet heavy snow yesterday so after work I took the chance and loaded up my gear and headed for Harriet Hollister State Park on the south end of Honeoye Lake to see if the additional 900' of altitude had made a difference. It sure had, 8-10" of snow greeted me and although it was wet and a little sticky I got in a quick 5k before the light started to fade. It was snowing as I left so anyone that can get out today should find good conditions again.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Life is a beach!!!

I took the day off from work and headed NE to the eastern shore of lake Ontario, to Southwick State Park. The prediction was for NW going W and 14 knot winds, perfect for traction kiting. It was a little light when I got there and met Bob, the beach's chief buggier. I tried a couple different kites with no luck and was starting to worry the trip was for naught when Bob offered the use of his NPW9 3.4M and it did the trick. I powered around for the better part of an hour before fatigue started setting in. The wind had gone W and the velocity picked up so after a break I got my NPW 3M out and it was now enough. My longest run was a mile and a half to the south before turning around to come back. It was a blast and I will definitely go back. It was great to meet Bob and Pat, thanks to Bob for his introduction to the area and use of his toys.
Note to self, if you are going to run the edge of the water, wear waterproof pants and gators. Brrr that water was cold!!!
Pics are of Bob and his NPW9 3.4M
Monday, March 26, 2012
Boogie in the buggy

I met with Ron at Cmac and the winds were cranking. He has redesigned his land sailor and needed to test it. So of course I had to go along and make sure he stayed safe. A couple hours later and it was pronounced a success.
I started with a 1.8M kite and quickly moved up to the 3M NPW. 2.5 hrs, 15miles, and a max speed of 33mph, what a blast.
Here are a couple pics of Ron "hiking" across the lot. Nice!!!
Cut and paste the link for a youtube video of Ron and his landsailor
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