The weekend turned out to to be one of the best ice boat weekends I have ever experienced. A lot of things came together to make it right. Canandaigua Lake had great ice conditions, smooth black ice with no snow on Sat. and a little blowing and drifting snow on Sunday, a lot of wind and a whole bunch of ice boats. I am getting tuned in to the Lockley Skimmer and I am getting good performance out of a very basic boat. I was hitting speeds just shy of 30mph, covered almost 40 miles and I am feeling comfortable with jibe turns as well as tack turns. Here is a quick video of me chasing down Ron on his Letzin land sailer. Oops my bad, the video is of John on his Sirocco earlier in the season in very light winds. Lets try it again. I don't know how to delete videos so I will leave it up and you can compare the ice conditions.