I unexpectedly was able to get out today and packed up and was on the road in record time and headed for Hammondsport. Doug and Chuck Stoner and Nik and Fady HG pilots from Canada were on launch when I got there and we went over procedures and went up top to set up. As we were rigging Mukrum showed up and launched from the lower launch and quickly climbed a few hundred over. That would be OOH (over our heads) for those following the AGLvsASL debate!!!!
That spurred us on to rig faster and just as we were ready to launch Mukrum was at launch level and below. But not for long as the cycles straightened out and got stronger he was soon high above launch (HAL).
I picked a good cycle and launched into an elevator for a quick ride above launch and watched Nik launch behind me climb up and we spent the better part of the next hour 3-500' over with an occasional bullet thermal to 7-800'. They were strong but disorganized and you had to stand the wing on its tip to stay in it as it drifted back.
It was OD'ing to the north but staying a distance away but eventually it got closer and someone threw the switch and it all shut off. We were soon on the ground and should have packed up immediately but took to long with reliving the flight and the sky opened up and we and our gliders got soaked.
Thanks Doug for bringing my truck down and mowing at launch. It was nice meeting and flying with Nik, meeting Carlyn and Fady good luck tomorrow for another flight.
Flights: 1
Airtime: 54 min
Max lift: 940fpm
Min lift: -760fpm
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