I met Todd at the church LZ and we loaded my glider on his truck and off we went for the top. Louis, Peter and Klause were already at launch parawaiting and said the wind had just picked up and gone WNW from W. Klause started setting up his HG as Todd and I checked conditions and decided it was indeed flyable and started rigging.
Klause launched from the lower launch first and gained a couple hundred quickly. As we finished rigging he found lift and gained 1000'.
I stepped up to launch next and waited for a cycle as it crossed more W and Klause lost most of his altitude and was back a couple hundred over the ridge. After a few minutes there was a decent cycle and I ran off. There was a lot of west to it and the air was textured to say the least, Klause and Todd both had wire twangers, I went over the falls a couple times but never went slack. I found a thermal in the west bowl and climbed out and watched Todd have a nice launch.
The bowls were working and we could find thermals pretty reliably, especially with three gliders searching and everyone working comfortably in close proximity.
After the clock ticked to an hour I decided I had had enough and bailed for the church LZ where my truck was parked. I had a mediocre landing and was fatigued, mostly in my shoulders, from the rough air but had a very satisfying flight. Klause landed shortly after me and said he was glad when someone went in to land as he didn't want to be the first one down.
When we got back to the top Jorge and his girlfriend were waiting for the wind to die enough for him to get his PG out and we watched him climb the oak by the cabin and trim it so he could set up his hanging tent up in the tree as that is where they were planning to spend the night. while we watched we were treated to a flock of Turkey Vultures playing on the ridge.
I am light on the flying shots but here are some picks of Jorge climbing and the vultures vulturing.
Flights: 1
flight time: 1:04:00
Fun factor: 7