I spoke to Joel and we decided to head for Hammondsport. After speaking to Jorge, we decided to head for Harris Hill instead due to the West cross at HP. We stopped at the LZ and Dan Walters and Ron K. had just landed after long flights and said the air was fairly smooth after you got up off the ridge but it was blowing in good at launch. There were still two gliders in the air, Bill V. and Daniel.
We headed up and there was a crowd on launch, Chuck and Doug Stoner, Karl and Katrin, Oded, Linda, Mary Spears and Mr. and Mrs. Keith. Mr. Keith had flown hang gliders many years ago and was easily in his eighties. I invited him to go for a tandem next summer after the club has the tow operation all organized.
Scott and Moritz arrived as we were setting up and Scott was the first to run off of the second round, then we all followed. The air was fairly smooth with strong ridge lift and thermals mixing in. When it was working thing were spread out, but during sink cycles the ridge got pretty crowded fast. There were times you could fly straight out into the valley and follow lift lines and keep climbing. When that happened things got spread out and comfortable, but a long sink cycle finally made me decide to bail off the ridge and get away from the crowd and go land.
The pictures are: what PG pilots do when it is blowing hard, Bill V. on the ridge, a sail plan over head, and a couple of Scott getting ready to launch.
We finished the day with dinner at Tags, good conversation and good food.
Flights: 1
Flight time: 1:05:00
Fun Factor: 8
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